Formerly Abused Dog Finds Her Way Back To Her Rescuer After Running Away From New Family To Find Him!

Pepper was in terrible state when he found her, so he took her in and cared for the extremely badly abused dog.

Josh fostered Pepper, nursed her back to health and purchased her rehabilitation.

But Pepper’s story took a few more twists before the Labrador Retriever-Pointer – Jack Russell Terrier mix eventually became a permanent member of Josh’s family.

Here is Pepper’s story that Josh wrote in his view:

“My name is Pepper and I was a dumpster dog that was delivered to the SPCA as a baby puppy. Ironically, an animal hoarder took me in, abused, neglected, and kept me locked up during storage in the summer heat of Houston, Texas. As a bowl I had a rusty cooking pot, and I ate it twice a week. I slept with a choke collar attached to an exercycle, I was beaten and I learned how to sleep standing up.¨

“When my savior , found me, I used to be surrounded by smaller dead animals that the hoarder neglected to feed. The vet told me I had scabies, lacerations, 2 groups of worms, fleas, ticks, a leg fracture, malnourished and not to mention that being petted ” scared me to death. “

“My new owner took care of me and gave me to a loving family. They lost me over the course of a month when I got out and ran away. A week later the educator found me in college miles away and left me at the veterinary clinic where I stayed for 4 days. Josh had kept in touch with the family he gave me to and did his work since i used to be microchipped, but with the data still being the SPCA they were ready to locate me when he called.”

“The new family said it was an accident, so he took me back to them. A month later they lost me again. I ran 14 miles to the same veterinary clinic where the university teacher took me the primary time. They knew who I used to be, so they called Josh and as I once hoped, and finally HE KEPT ME! Dreams really come true! Now I am a healthy happy dog living with an excellent family. I have my Siberian husky step sister and I really like her, an exquisite human who spoils me , feeds me the simplest food on the market and I live next to a 20 acre dog park.”

Dogs that are rescued always remember the people who rescued them.




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